Exploring Possibilities, Maximizing Potential

Toastmasters International has achieved amazing results in the last 100 years since its beginning, and I feel that there are still many uncharted and unexplored possibilities.

My vision is for Toastmasters to thrive as a Global Powerhouse, fostering diverse perspectives and maximizing the potential of our members worldwide.

For Toastmasters to be the preferred organization of choice for communication and leadership skills, I believe we need to renew our focus on enhancing the leadership experience, exploring new growth possibilities, and executing our programs with excellence.


Enhance the Leadership Experience

The strength of our Toastmasters community depends on members who are willing to raise their hand, step in, and step up. To better equip and empower our volunteer leaders, we have the opportunity to develop a structured Leadership Development Program - integrating training, practical assignments, mentoring, and feedback. Empowered leaders will help provide a better membership experience, which in turn will boost retention and growth. When we invest in our leaders, we also invest in the success of our organization.


Explore the Possibilities

Our main source of revenue comes from membership dues and fees. Inflation costs, tax implications, and an evolving financial landscape can cause our membership to decline in certain markets. As a result, we should continue to explore ways to diversify our revenue streams and seek new growth opportunities.

Using the success of the Toastmasters-Rotary alliance as a model, we can explore similar strategic partnerships that are in the best interests of the organizations and our members. Partnerships with companies like those we currently have with Yoodli and Zoom can help us pass on benefits and cost savings directly to our members.

Execute with Excellence

We do not always need a new strategy or plan to improve our performance; sometimes we just need to effectively execute the ones we already have. Whether it is executing our club meeting roles, chartering new clubs, shipping of products, or member and district support, there are always opportunities for us to optimize our processes and programs. Execution is a team sport, and achieving execution excellence requires alignment across all levels of the organization.