Toastmasters has been instrumental in transforming my professional and personal life in a positive way. It has not just built my confidence but also given me opportunities to serve as a leader in multiple roles. I firmly believe our organization has tremendous potential to grow even further and empower even more people worldwide.


Growing up as the daughter of an Indian Naval officer, I spent my childhood in Eastern Europe and various cities in India. Furthermore, upon completing my graduate studies at the University of Utah, I worked in the US for close to a decade. Having lived, studied, and worked in many cities across the world has opened my eyes and heart to the values and cultures of a global community.

My parents and my younger sister have been my pillars of support. Having served the country, my father instilled in my sister and me the values of service and leadership from an early age. Today, my sister is a community health doctor and researcher. She works on equitable health for tribal people living in and around forests in India.


I have over two decades of work experience as a strategy and management consultant across various industries and different geographies. This has given me insights into finding innovative solutions, data analytics and forecasting, and building client and vendor relationships. Embracing work cultures of different geographical locations has enabled me to ‘think globally and act locally’ when it comes to the customization of products and services.

Currently, I am a Director for one of India's pioneer game-based learning companies. I work with the leadership team to evaluate and execute initiatives that support the company's short- and long-term strategies. This involves developing strategic plans for marketing, lead generation, and scalability.


For someone who has always found it difficult to speak up in social situations, Toastmasters has helped me find my voice. This has given me not only confidence but also success and recognition in both my professional and personal lives.

I started my Toastmasters journey 18 years ago with District 26, before moving continents to District 82 (eventually reformed to District 92, and now District 121). I have served in every elected district officer role and also, with my team, led the then-young District 92 to be ranked No. 1 in the World.

I have had the honor of serving as Region Advisor for both Regions 13 and 14 across two consecutive terms. This has provided me with valuable insights and a comprehensive understanding of Toastmasters' global operations. In 2020, I was deeply humbled to receive the Presidential Citation Award from Toastmasters International in recognition of my service to the organization. More recently, I had the privilege of serving as an International Director. In this role, I contributed to the current 2022–2024 Strategic Plan and participated in various Board committees and Groups. Serving on the Toastmasters Board has significantly deepened my understanding of our membership and our organization.